I'm always so lazy to blog, but todays an exception HAHAHAA.
let me tell you something,
I bought a pair of macbeths. It sucks to have everybody wearing the same shit you wear. I got this pair of vans a few months back and now i see it everywhere. oh well,
okay guess what?
Im bored.
okay i got an idea, ill tell you a story.
*bracketed dialogue is translated poketongue speech.
One day, there was a little pokeboy called peekaboo. He was yellow with brown stripes. Peekaboo decided to go for a walk in the park. Suddenly from out of no where a charcancer appeared! Charcancer said "CHAR! CHAR! (hey man!whats going downnnnn dawg?)". Peekaboo was quite stunned, because this charcancer spoke in the african american accent. So he replied, "Piiika PIKA! (yo, you cool for shizzle yaw)".
Then charcancer exclaimed, "charcharchar CHAAARRR (you yellow dude, you look like you're brown with a yellow skin disease)". Peekaboo incensed, replied in anger , " PIKAAAAAA PIKA PIIIIIIKA PIKAAAA (you asshole, im yellow with brown stripes. you got problem we fight now HAYA!)".
So it begun.
Peekaboo circled charcancer, staring charcancer in the eyes. Out of nowhere, charcancer whipped his tail around and lashed peekaboo in the face, blinding the yellow thing for an instant.
Peekaboo wasted no time, he gathered all the electricity from the bottom of his belly and threw a thunderball at charcancer.
Charcaner died.
(no animals were hurt in the production of this story)
Hey there, I was looking for the meaning of Montag, lieben, lachen, loben and your blog popped on the screen....
I read this entry and I want to tell you that your blog´s not boring at all!!!
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