i wanted to get totally crazy but i think i was quite chill about it all compared to lynette and her sister-in-law rachel, they went nuts screaming!
i was supposed to go with my best friend aaron, but his sister changed his tickets to Pen B so i was quite sad. i met lynette and rachel first and the queue was fuckin long, deen and her friend jason came later. There was this drunk white dude who was there screaming at all of us asking us why we looked bored and shit cos 'this is fucking oasis man, fuck Coldplay man'. HAHAHA
And when we finally got in, i was so excited. but we were like maybe 12 rows from the front. Lynette and rachel were seriously damn pro, they pushed and pushed all the way till we got into like prolly the 2nd or 3r row. that wa where we saw the white dudes who were shouting at us just now! HAHA so funny.

Then when Liam first came out hell yeah everyone went nuts and everyone pushed and shoved and we were a huge wet mass of bodies rolling about but we dint care cos fucking oasis was in in front of us!! liam threw his tambourine at us! some lucky dude caught it, then noel threw his pick down too, it was green! the lucky bastards. I went nuts when they played lyla and morning glory. They ended the concert damn well, with them leaving the stage slowly one by one. it was a fucking awesome night and i bought oasis badges which lynette i wore for Camp!
Camp was good too, life as HGL is so stressful gosh. Camp passed by so fast its just a blur. Its cos i had a walkie pugged to my ear so i was half deaf to the world. It was good to see the GL's and freshies having fun. It kindda reminded me of when i was freshie and i have to say i think we all managed to touch a few lives. But its kind of sad that im not a GL, cos i cant sort of really go down and interact with the freshies much. Like they dont see me so much so many tend not to know me. Ill definitely be going for all the outings man, NEXO IS LOVE.
Ive learnt much from the maincomms(esp john and ella) and the other HGL's. the camp really brought us close to each other. cosss
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